To promote a sense of belonging and to embolden the local resident to make a difference in their urban public space.

  • Writing and distribution of a public appeal, jointly with the representatives of the Eastern Negev Environmental Unit.
  • Advancement and professional support for the winning initiatives.
  • Implementation of the winning proposals.
Sarit Moyal
Education Coordinator, Eastern Negev Environmental Unit
Dana Roded
Planner, Eastern Negev Environmental Unit
Florie Sterling
Deputy Mayor, Arad
Noa Cohen Kissinger
Sustainability Coordinator, Eastern Negev Environmental Unit
Avital Yaakobi
Social worker, Welfare and Social Services Department, Arad Municipality

עוד פעולות שיצרו שינוי חיובי במרחב הציבורי:

More about Haira Initiatives:

Kriyat Bialik

Revitalize the Gedora Lake and transform it into a nature park with wetland habitats, serving as a link between the urban landscape of the city center and the surrounding natural landscape.


Interdisciplinary Competition for Urban Planning in Nahariya


Creating a physical infrastructure to encourage stay for a variety of residents in the town square

Kiryat Bialik

Reinforcing the sense of belonging among youths in the Zur Shalom neighborhood through creation of professional street art near the clubhouse, involving youths.


To promote a sense of belonging and to embolden the local resident to make a difference in their urban public space.

Kiryat Bialik

A sustainable landscaping pilot to integrate a sustainable operational and maintenance concept within the local authority, for the sake of local residents’ health and for biodiversity restoration.


Supporting establishment of a community center for sustainable consumerism, operating two high-quality second-hand stores and organizing sustainability-oriented cultural and recreational activities for FGD (Family Group Discussion) students for the benefit of the resident community.


Developing city tours to encourage a sense of belonging and a stronger connection together, with the Municipal Education Administration.

Data-based mapping and analysis to improve walkability and stay in public spaces

Kiryat Bialik

City residents planting 200 young trees at Neot Afek, Kiryat Bialik


Creative outdoor workspace for the city’s youth.


local street gallery

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